Wednesday, February 20, 2013


This is my attempt to chronicle my thoughts and what not at the close of my tenure as an Undergrad Economics major. I'll try to keep my commentary on really technical subjects to a minimum because, let's face it, I just don't have the skills or know-how to really say anything of practical use on such matters (an argument that can be made for basically any commentary I might offer, but I'll wave a magic hand over that for now).

I'm new to the blogosphere and, from what I can tell, there is a sizable surplus of sites. After all, who are these for? I'll be totally transparent and declare that, out of everyone who reads/ is involved with this blog, I'll garnish the most utility. I'm willing to wager that anyone who is interested in learning more about economics and reading useful insight will be better off reading Greg Mankiw's blog, Marginal Revolution, or the thoughts of Brad DeLong. That being said, I'll try to orient most of my postings in such a way as to provide some sort of benefits to an undergraduate audience. I certainly wish that I had a relatively constant stream of undergrad guidance and tips from someone who had "been there."

Hopefully some of you may find the contents useful.


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